Shadow has proven to be extremely intelligent and has us wrapped around her paw. She continues to train us about neighborhood walks, fetch the ball, and squeaky toys. She loves her squeaky tennis ball! She is imaginative!
She enjoys getting brushed, which Patty does sometimes twice a day. That said, she is quite shaggy. She and we miss Zachary and look forward to him being able to groom her again. By the way Zachary has pointed out quite a bit of white hair on Shadow. Some on her back, on her chest, which I think you pointed out also, and on her face. Zachary thinks she may mature to show “phantom” marking. We will have to see.
We are working diligently to train her to walk on leash. She is fairly good while it is just the two of us, but she definitely wants to find and chase the dozens of squirrels in the surrounding area. She is also pretty tentative around other dogs particularly if the other dog is a barker, but she is improving.
In our little neighborhood there are many dogs (mostly smaller and/or miniatures, etc.) and many dog lovers. Shadow is recognized by just about everyone and we are regularly told that she is just a beautiful dog and some even go so far as to say she is the best behaved dog in our neighborhood. Ha, ha they don’t know the whole story, but she is a really great poodle dog.
She is a wonderful companion and a very “showy” poodle; she has a great prance to her stride and is quite athletic as well. Many of the dog walkers across our neighborhood have remarked what a gorgeous dog she is.